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Rs. 1130
Mar 2 02:31 PM

Today's Data

LTPRs 1130
Business Date02 Mar 2025
Time 02:31:54 PM
Open Price1160.7
High Price1160.7
Low Price1130
Previous Close Rs : 1160.7
Total Traded Amount Rs: 85,928
Total Traded Quantity76
Total Trades 5

Ownership Structure

Public Share


Promoter Share


Total Listed Share


Performance Value

1 Year Yield9.18%
Fiscal Year, Q0
P/E Ratio0
Book Value0

General Information

Market CapitalizationRs. 2,26,00,00,000
Market Capitalization (Float)Rs. 0
Paid Up CapitalRs. 2,00,00,00,000
Face ValueRs. 1000
52 week High/LowRs. 1,178 / 1,010
52 week High/Low (ADJ.)Rs. 1,178 / 1,010
Average 120 DaysRs. 1,106.23
Average 120 Days (ADJ.)Rs. 1,106.23
Average 180 DaysRs. 1,078.89
Average 180 Days (ADJ.)Rs. 1,078.89
All Time HighRs. 1,178(2025-02-09)
All Time High (ADJ.)Rs. 1,178(2025-02-06)
All Time LowRs. 0(2023-09-12)
All Time Low (ADJ.)Rs. 0(2023-02-02)
Listing Date2022-09-23
Unlocking Date-

About 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85)

10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) is listed under "Non-Convertible Debenture" sector at Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on September 23, 2022 with a market capitalization of NPR 2,260,000,000 (2.3 Arab) and a float market capitalization of NPR 0 (0). It has a total of 2,000,000 (20 Lakh) listed shares, of which 0 (0) (0%) are promoter shares and 0 (0) (0%) are public shares.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the total market capitalization (Market Cap.) and valuation of 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85)?

    10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) has a total market capitalization of NPR 2,260,000,000 (2.3 Arab) and a float market capitalization of NPR 0 (0). The book value stands at 0, resulting in a price-to-book value (PBV) of 1130. The face value of each share is Rs. 1000.

  2. How many shares of 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) are listed in NEPSE (Ownership Structure)?

    A total of 2,000,000 (20 Lakh) shares of 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) are listed in NEPSE, of which 0 (0) (0%) are promoter shares and 0 (0) (0%) are public shares.

  3. What is the latest trading price (LTP) of 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85)?

    As of March 02, the latest trading price (LTP) of 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) is Rs. 1130 (-30.7, -2.64%). Today, the stock opened at Rs. 1160.7, reached a high of Rs. 1160.7, and a low of Rs. 1130. The previous closing price was Rs. 1160.7, with a turnover of Rs. 85928 and a trading volume of 76 shares across 5 trades.

  4. What are the historical price trends and performance of 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85)?

    Over the past year, 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) has seen a 52-week high of Rs. 1178 and a low of Rs. 1010. The all-time high was Rs. 1178 on February 09, 2025, while the all-time low was Rs. 0 on September 12, 2023. The 120-day average price is Rs. 1106.23, and the 180-day average is Rs. 1078.89. The 1-year yield is currently 9.18%.

  5. What are the key financial metrics and performance indicators for 10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85)?

    10.50% Everest Bank Limited Debenture 2085 (EBLD85) has an earnings per share (EPS) of 0 and a P/E ratio of 0. The book value per share is 0, and the price-to-book value (PBV) is 1130. The stock's 1-year yield is 9.18%, and its fiscal year data is reported for , Q0. The paid-up capital is Rs. 2,000,000,000.

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