10.25% KBL Debenture 2086 (KBLD86) is listed under "Non-Convertible Debenture" sector at Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) on June 30, 2020 with a market capitalization of NPR 3,315,000,000 (3.3 Arab) and a float market capitalization of NPR 0 (0). It has a total of 3,000,000 (30 Lakh) listed shares, of which 0 (0) (0%) are promoter shares and 0 (0) (0%) are public shares.
10.25% KBL Debenture 2086 (KBLD86) has a total market capitalization of NPR 3,315,000,000 (3.3 Arab) and a float market capitalization of NPR 0 (0). The book value stands at 0, resulting in a price-to-book value (PBV) of 1105. The face value of each share is Rs. 1000.
A total of 3,000,000 (30 Lakh) shares of 10.25% KBL Debenture 2086 (KBLD86) are listed in NEPSE, of which 0 (0) (0%) are promoter shares and 0 (0) (0%) are public shares.
As of March 12, the latest trading price (LTP) of 10.25% KBL Debenture 2086 (KBLD86) is Rs. 1105 (0, 0%). Today, the stock opened at Rs. 1105, reached a high of Rs. 1105, and a low of Rs. 1105. The previous closing price was Rs. 1105, with a turnover of Rs. 1105 and a trading volume of 1 shares across 1 trades.
Over the past year, 10.25% KBL Debenture 2086 (KBLD86) has seen a 52-week high of Rs. 1257.4 and a low of Rs. 1010. The all-time high was Rs. 1257.4 on December 05, 2024, while the all-time low was Rs. 837.1 on March 07, 2023. The 120-day average price is Rs. 1062.26, and the 180-day average is Rs. 1064.72. The 1-year yield is currently 9.62%.
10.25% KBL Debenture 2086 (KBLD86) has an earnings per share (EPS) of 0 and a P/E ratio of 0. The book value per share is 0, and the price-to-book value (PBV) is 1105. The stock's 1-year yield is 9.62%, and its fiscal year data is reported for , Q0. The paid-up capital is Rs. 3,000,000,000.